Modern vs Traditional Vending Machines – Where is the Difference?

The inception of vending machines happened a long time in the past. It is said that the Hero of Alexandria, an engineer during the first century invented such machines in Roman Egypt. These machines were designed to dispense water simply by inserting coins. These coin-operated machines later on flourished intensely and are now responsible for dispensing snacks, food items, stationeries, medical equipment, beverages, tickets, newspapers and so on. 

The enhancement of the local vending machine business in the Bay Area is the most active example of what we have said above.   

Modern vs Traditional Vending Machines

The first modern vending machines were introduced in the early 1880s in London, England. They were mainly designed to dispense postcards. This is when coin-operated vending machines became a part of our lives. 

But if you view the picture of today and yesterday, you will witness a lot of change has run through them, not just in the construction process, but even in service. 

How the machines are operated then and now? 

In most cases, internal mechanisms have been made more efficient. For example, traditional vending machines used to operated by coins whereas, the modernized machines accept banknotes and even credit cards. Such a wide difference between modern and traditional machines. Although you will find 90% of the machines are running in the updated version, still there are some machines that are featuring in the traditional way. 

Apart from the operating section, there are plenty of other reasons that create discrimination. 

Today, the vending machines can communicate in real-time just with a centralized control platform that receives real time data flows on functionality, warehousing, sales and more. Due to the implementation of modern sensors, it added further value to the above-mentioned factors. For example, sensors used within machines can be used to control temperature levels, thus allowing users to adjust temperatures based on the products filled in it. Local vending machine business in the Bay Area keep all these in mind while constructing their machines. 

Another most interesting thing about modern vending machines is the stable internet connection. This enables the smart vending machines to accept the payment system that requires real-time verification such as credit cards, PayPal and even virtual wallets. Such a flexible payment option allow consumers to buy products through their smartphones, whenever they want – maybe when they are on the way. You haven't ever discovered such a convenience in your traditional vending machines. 

Some astounding features of modern vending machines over traditional machines. 

Modern vending machines can be remotely controllable and fully customizable. This is an advantage for the modern business to increase their sales. Not just that, the effective functionality of the machines allow the consumer to connect with the shop assistant that may be located miles away. 
Even there are machines that are integrated with cameras used for facial recognition and augmented reality. For example, if it is a makeup fetching machine, consumers can show their look wearing a certain makeup or ask the dealers to recommend a cream based on their face type. Such advancement has only been possible when you are using modern vending machines. 

Local vending machine business in the Bay Area serve machines that are not just smart in look but are smart in technology as well. Looking for any such tech-savvy machines to enhance your business sales? Several vending machine marketers are available in the city. For example, Creative Vending Solutions. They offer machines that dispense candies, snacks, icecream, beverages, stationeries, and other articles. Just make contact and get install by a few days. 


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